As a student of Education thier posts really interest me, such as, 'Back to school- how to motivate your class after summer break' and 'Do you have a student in your class with Anorexia?' to name only two of thier most recent posts. The Blog, as thier slogan reads ' practical teaching advice, ideas and opinion' which is exactly what they do.

Creative Education blog offers paid employment, but they only employ outstanding teachers who are looking to make an impact beyond the school gates by sharing expertise with followers and visitors of thier blog, which gives the blog validity and professionlism. You can also write a post for them as a 'Guest Post' following certian criteria, which is basically the post has to be useful and informative to the reader. It allows readers to easily navigate thier way around the blog and access thier previous blogs via catergories. Some of these include Behaviour, Assesment, Leadership, Ofsted inspections adn many more catergories. They also give access to lesson plans, supporting and enthusing teachers who use thier blog.
The blog allows for comments and is reguarly updated, for these, and the above reasons, I would suggest this is a really good blog to follow and for a teacher or Education student I would suggest essential.
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