Link to my first post.
This is an update on my journey so far. My first ever post, explained how I was on a journey to understanding Visual Communications and writing my reflections into my blog.

In my second post, I wrote about how
I had discovered the differences and similaraties between websited and blogs. A quick recap, a website: has static content; is formal and usually has one way communication where as a blog: has changing content in chronological order; is informal and is interactive as audience can usually post a comment.

Also, I have told a story by images, produced an animation and created mind maps with Bubbl.us. Along the way I have learned how to blog, be creative and make my blog as interesting as possible,for my post concerning Rugby I intorudced a video to my clip, and I have added links into my posts for extra support or reading. I have added images to all of my blogs to make my blogs stand out and appeal to the reader. I recently changed the layout of my blog profile, including a different design and widening the layout to fit my blogs.I have enjoyed my blogging so far and found that it isn't as hard as I intially thought.
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