didn't know what to expect from my first assignment but I quite enjoyed doing it, I wrote about the Education Reform act. The research was the best part, it was quite liberating being able to do my own independant learning, something I have never done before. I used mainly used books from the libary and some digital libary journals. At the begining of our Visual Communication Lectures, I learned how to assess a website validity, who it was run by and owned by, was it created for a profit and was it regualary updated.

From this then I used some online sources in my assingnment. In addition to an essay we had to create a slideshow, which I used Microsoft Powerpoint, I have used this a few times so I knew how to use it and found it quite easy and was able to be creative with the design, layout and colour schemes. I think that I wrote quite a factual, well structured essay and I am just awaiting the results so fingers crossed...
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