
2simple 2 animate is an application from 2simple.com enabling children of all ages to create thier own animations. The application enables the user to draw images, capture images from a webcam or scan images to the computer, additionally it encourages creativity within the user and can be used as a cross-curricular resource. For example, An English lesson, whereby the subject is story writing, the pupils could produce a story and then turned into an animation, deepening understanding and consolidating learning. There is a simple and an advanced level.

Experience with 2simple2animate
I voluntered in 2010/2011 in a year 5 class of a local primary school, during one lesson they were using 2simple 2 animate, they worked in groups of 3/4, they used plasticine to create characters and used the webcam to capture pictures, they moved the plastacine figures to create a story. They all really enjoyed using it and the had a lot of fun, but most importantly how enthusiastic and creative they were when they were using it.
Lesson Plans example for a Year 2 class - Lesson Plan Year 2
This is my first animation- A CatchPhrase, can you guess?
I had a lot of fun making my animations and I think that a lot of pupils of all ages would too. It is an easy-to-use application and I embedded the animations on to my blog through TinyPic.
And this is my second animation- '999'
Love the catch phrase, you need to adjust the layout so that you posts fit on nicely.